About me

Born in Brussels, fascinated by photography, I received my first camera (Canon Canonet 28) from my godfather when I was 12.
After graduating from the I.N.R.A.C.I in Brussels in 1990, I worked as a photo retoucher, using masks/counter-masks, Kodak dyes and brushes on Ekta chromes for Studio Everson. I spent the next 14 years working in a professional photo laboratory (APP Photo lab) as a photo retoucher for national advertising campaigns, using both film and digital techniques from the very beginning.
I also had the opportunity to join a printing company for 10 years as a graphic designer/pre-press, which gave me the chance to discover the hitherto mysterious world of offset and digital printing.
The recent years have mainly been spent working on photo reports for a communications unit and preparing files for printing on all media and in all formats.
Playing with all the techniques I've learnt throughout my professional career has been a great pleasure. Taking photos of these planes turns is my way of paying a tribute to the men and women who can prove to be fantastic when they work as a team in pursuit of a common goal.